Category: Design

The Web Design Survey from A List Apart

A List Apart has a Web Design Survey for 2007, if you have some time, answer a few questions that could help give better demographics on web design. Plus you could win some free stuff.

CSSEdit 2.5 and Coda

MacRabbit just updated CSSEdit to version 2.5, which brings some new features such as tabbed windows and the X-ray inspector for all of your CSS needs. I’ve been using this quite a lot since the 2.0 release, the new features have been very helpful with development; I can’t recommend this program enough. Panic just released Coda, which is an integrated web development solution, part Transmit, part SubEthaEdit and Terminal, with CSS support all rolled into a single interface. Personally I started on Dreamweaver, but dumped that for a combination of Textmate, CSSEdit and Transmit for all of my development needs. I think Coda can give Dreamweaver a run for it’s money, Coda is a much more affordable solution for a freelance developer. The Textmate-CSSEdit-Transmit combo work quite well for me, but Panic’s new program looks very interesting, I may have to download a copy and see how it works. (via MacRabbit Blog | stevenf)

Gone Freelance

As of the beginning of April, I’ve left my job as Senior Web Devloper at Evolve Media, to work for myself and build a business doing graphic design and web development. I’ve recently updated my portfolio with some new projects, but I have a lot more work to add and I’m working on updating my website as well. If you’re in need of some help with some work, feel free to use the contact form or drop me a line