About Scott Orchard
Scott Orchard is a designer and web developer living in Orange County, California, who specializes in Wordpress or Shopify-based e-commerce projects. I’m available for hire.

I Just Bought a PowerBook! – Part 2 & More

My new PowerBook arrived right before Christmas, and I must say was kind of a big present for myself. But in my own defense, I needed to upgrade badly, and this is going to really help out with my work load. I’m ordering 2 Gigs of RAM to max out the system, but I must say that this thing powers through the work that bogged down my other 2 computers.

I’m going to fix my iBook and give it to my brother, he needs something for school work and the internet, so its perfect for his needs right now.

As for my work load, its been pretty hectic, a couple of great projects at Evolve and a couple of nice freelance projects have been monopolyzing most of my time, but the work has been great.

Additionally, I just upgraded to WordPress 2.0 and have upgraded to the newest version of K2 which seem pretty solid. I need more time, but the work’s keeping me out of trouble.

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